Whitney Tilson is out with a new newsletter that focuses on energy.

It's called Energy Supercycle Investor.

Many stock pickers are launching services like this as energy in America is expected to boom.

Is this newsletter worth it's big price tag or is it just one big scam?

We'll get to the bottom of this question in this review.

Additionally, we'll look at any red flags that I can find and you'll get an overview of what you get.

I'll even give you some stock picks from the newsletter..

Let's get started!

Energy Supercycle Investor Summary

Creator: Whitney Tilson

Price to join: $2500

Do I recommend? No

   Overall rating: 2/5

Whitney Tilson has a bunch of newsletters for sale and I don't recommend any of them.

Mainly because I don't believe any of them beat the market which is something Tilson has been struggling to do for over a decade now.

Energy Supercycle Investor is also very expensive.

Because of its price tag it's only useful to be people that have a trading account of more than $250,000.

Energy investing might be a good idea for the near future but there's better places to get these kind of stock picks.

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

The Headache Of Buying This Newsletter

Before we get into what you get with this newsletter, I want to talk about something real quick.

Energy Supercycle Investor is published by Empire Financial Research, which is owned by a bigger company called MarketWise.

MarketWise is a massive company that launched a couple years ago, and they own over a dozen investing publishers.

The problem with buying from MarketWise is that it comes with a lot of baggage.

They're a new company, but they make hundreds of millions in revenue.

MarketWise gets these numbers with very aggressive marketing.

This includes misleading and manipulative sales presentations, aggressive upsells, and just overall bad treatment of customers.

Even worse, many scammers work for MarketWise, and you'll be marketed their newsletters and services.

So if you buy this newsletter, prepare to be treated badly.

Tilson's Stock Picking History

Whitney Tilson has many different newsletters and we're going to look at how some of his bigger stock picks have done over the last couple of years.

Amazon In December 2019

Before Whitney pivoted to the energy markets, he recommended many big tech companies.

One of the big companies Whitney recommended back in 2019 was Amazon:

So far, the stock has been even after doubling because of COVID.

Whether you made money depends on whether you sold at the right time or not.

Waymo and Aptiv in April 2020

Waymo and Aptiv were stock picks that Whitney recommended back in April 2020.

These were companies that were plays on TaaS.

TaaS stands for transportation as a service.

Waymo is owned by Google (Alphabet), so you would have invested in that stock if you followed Whitney's recommendation:

This stock is up around 30% which is good.

Here's how Aptiv has performed:

This is another good performing stock and has doubled since being recommended.

Ginkgo Bioworks In January 2022

Whitney ran a teaser in January 2022 claiming to know which stocks can help you fight against inflation.

The main stock in the presentation was Ginkgo Bioworks.

Ginkgo Bioworks is a VERY controversial company and famous hedge funds believe it is a complete scam:

There's an entire 175 page report about how fraudulent this company is.

It's performed badly as well:

This stock has done really bad since being recommended and has definitely not been a hedge against inflation.

5 More Stocks In January 2022

Whitey recommended a bunch more stocks as part of the inflation teaser.

First was Meta (Facebook):

The stock crashed right after Tilson told his subscribers to buy it.

Next up is Universal Music Group:

This stock is down a bit since being recommended.

After that we have chip maker NVIDIA:

This is another stock that's down a little bit.

After that we have the second biggest crypto, Ethereum:

Ethereum is down pretty big since being recommended by Whitney.

Lastly, we have video game developer Electric Arts:

As you can see Whitey can pick some good stocks but it's been a rough couple of years.

Especially since the market have gone south.

The market has been down but Whitney's picks have lost more.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

1000X Windfall Stock Revealed

Whitney is marketing Energy Supercycle Investor the same way he's marketed his other newsletters: by doing stock teasers.

Whitney ran a stock teaser about a newsletter with the potential to get 1,000% returns.

This was an LNG stock called Tellurian.

Tellurian is trying to open a natural gas export facility called Driftwood.

They've had a number of setbacks in the last few years and need to raise around $15 billion to open.

It's a gamble, and the stock hasn't done well since being recommended back in September 2022:

Maybe the stock will do well in the long run but there's some serious doubts about this company.

What Does Energy Supercycle Investor Offer?


In the end, this is a pretty typical newsletter.

Here's what you get:

Quarterly Newsletter

Every quarter, you'll get a new copy of Energy Supercycle Investor.

Each newsletter will look at various energy stocks that have the potential to generate returns higher than 500%.

The stock picks in this newsletter focus on small-cap companies.

So these are going to be very high risk and high reward.

Some of the stocks may hit 500% returns, but other ones are going to lose a lot of value.

For example, Tellurian has lost a lot in just 8 months and is down about 60%.


Along with the quarterly newsletter, you also get quarterly "board meetings."

These are just Q&As with Whitney and his team.

Besides this, they'll cover the energy markets and give you advice on what to do with your stocks.


With your membership, you get the Energy Investing Master Class.

This is a training course that "teaches you the ins and outs of the ultra-profitable energy industry."

Special Reports

Lastly, with your membership, you get some special reports.

One of the special reports is the 1000X windfall stock pick, which we covered in the last section, Tellurian.

The other is the entire energy portfolio.

This will be full of small-cap energy stock picks.

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Energy Supercycle Investor FAQ's

Still have some questions about this newsletter?

Here are answers to any questions you might have:

1) How much does Energy Supercycle Investor cost?

Energy Supercycle Investor costs $2500 per year.

This is a very pricey product, and there's a rule when it comes to paying for stock research: never spend more than 1% of your portfolio on research.

The reason you don't want to pay more than 1% is because it'll eat into your gains if you do.

So you'll need $250,000 for this newsletter to be worth it.

If you only have $50,000, that means Energy Supercycle Investor will represent 5% of your portfolio.

You'll have a hard time beating the market starting 5% in the hole.

2) Are there refunds?


MarketWise (the company that owns this newsletter) never gives refunds on their expensive services.

Instead, there's a credit refund where you can just get other newsletters offered by Whitney.

But there's no way to get your money back.

3) Is Whitney Tilson legit?

Yes, Whitney Tilson is legit.

He ran a popular hedge fund called Kase Capital for a number of years.

For a while, Whitney was beating the market, but things turned south after the recession.

Since then, Whitney hasn't been able to beat the market, and he's since closed down his hedge fund.

Whitney hasn't been able to beat the market since opening Empire Financial Research either.

So while Whitney is legit, it seems he's lost his touch.

4) Are there similar newsletters?

Yes, there's many similar newsletters out there.

Some include:

As you can see there's any stock picking newsletters out there.

Recommended: The Best Place To Get Stock Picks

Energy Supercycle Investor Pros And Cons

  • Energy is expected to boom: Most people believe America will experience an energy boom in the next few years.
  • Too expensive: This newsletter is too much for most investors.
  • No refunds: If you're not happy there's no way to get your money back.
  • Whitney is on a losing streak: The last 10 years have been rough for Whitney.

Energy Supercycle Investor Conclusion

Alright, so that's the end of my review of Energy Supercycle.

This is another newsletter from Whitney, and he hasn't really released one yet that I recommend.

His cheapest, Empire Stock Investor, is probably his best newsletter, but it's still trailing the market.

In the future, you'll probably see a lot of energy newsletters and stock picks coming from stock pickers.

Natural gas is a hot market right now, and people are expecting a boom.

You don't need to pay thousands a year for energy stock picks, though.

There are other places that give energy picks for much cheaper.

For example, my favorite investing newsletter has been investing in energy for years now, and they're very affordable.

To learn more about this service, click below:

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Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

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