One Ticker Trader is the main investing service from Larry Benedict.

Larry claims you can leverage his 35 years of experience to make money with his option alerts.

Is he being sincere, or is this one big scam?

We'll answer that in this review and look at any red flags I can find.

You'll know if One Ticker Trader is worth it by the time you're done reading.

Let's get started!

One Ticker Trader Summary

Creator: Larry Benedict

Price to join: $19 for first year, $129 per year after

Do I recommend? No.

   Overall rating: 1/5

This review of One Ticker Trader got a lot of traffic for 2023, so I'm updating it for 2024.

This is a pretty lousy offer, and the customer reviews for it are awful.

It has some of the lowest reviews I have ever seen for an investing service.

Additionally, this newsletter is really just the first step in a much larger sales funnel.

Once you buy, you're going to get bombarded with upsells to spend thousands of dollars.

It's not worth it.

So avoid this newsletter in 2024 and beyond.

Better opportunity: I've reviewed all the top places to get high return stock ideas. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below:

The Headache Of Dealing With One Ticker Trader

I did a review of the "publisher" that sells One Ticker Trader yesterday - this publisher is called The Opportunistic Trader.

The thing is The Opportunistic Trader is not an independent publisher and is owned by a much bigger company called Marketwise.

Who's Marketwise?

Marketwise is a publicly traded company that owns a bunch of popular publishers like StansberryRogue Economics, InvestorPlace, Empire Financial ResearchPalm Beach Group, etc.

I learned about One Ticker Trader because I got an email promoting it from Jeff Clark Trader, another service under the Marketwise umbrella.

It's important you know this because Marketwise is going to try to get every penny from you that they can.

So while you may think One Ticker Trader is cheap at $19 for the first year, it's not.

Marketwise makes over $500 MILLION in revenue every year - they're not reaching this number by selling $19 subscriptions.

The goal is to get you into the sales funnel with a cheap product like One Ticker Trader and then bombard you with promotions for products that cost thousands of dollars.

If you buy One Ticker Trader you won't be treated like a valued customer; you'll be treated like a target.

Right away, you'll be promoted Larry's other services that cost thousands of dollars a year.

But that's not all..

You'll be promoted ALL of Marketwise's products once you enter the sales funnel.

This includes products from Teeka Tiwari who is such a big scammer that he's banned from Wall Street.

You'll get emails saying to buy Louis' Navellier products, who was just fined $30 million for defrauding investors:

Do these sound like people you want to give your money to?

Just realize One Ticker Trader is priced cheap for a reason.. no one is giving away profitable secrets for $19.

It's priced this cheap so they can get more money out of you later.

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Larry Benedict Has Bad Ratings

Larry claims he has all this Wall Street experience and runs a successful hedge fund.

Now, I'm not saying this isn't true, but he offers zero proof of this.

Many of these stock pickers embellish their resumes, so you should trust them more.

Apparently, the hedge fund Larry ran was called Banyan Equity Management.

I looked it up online and couldn't find anything about it. 

But the resume of a stock picker isn't really that important.

What's most important is if the stock picker can help you make money.

Luckily, there are resources out there that track the success of these guys, and Larry's ratings are very, very low.

In fact, he has one of the worst ratings I've seen on Stock Gumshoe, one of the best resources for rating stock pickers.

Larry's previous services only received a 1.4/5 rating after 30 customers rated their experience:

That's bad but not surprising.

Larry is promising option alerts, which rarely ever work out.

By the time you place your trade, the price of the stock will likely be different.

There are scenarios where Larry can make money and you can lose money.

Additionally, One Ticker Trader has awful reviews on Trust Pilot:

The crazy thing about Trust Pilot is that they allow businesses to delete bad reviews.

I almost never recommend you trust Trust Pilot reviews because of that fact.

But even with that ability, Larry Benedict can hide just how bad the reviews are.

I've never seen this many 1 star reviews for a stock picking letter.

This alone should make you want to avoid it.

What Is One Ticker Trader Offering?

One Ticker Trader is an extremely simple offer.

Basically you get a monthly issue of One Ticker Trader and this comes with a main theme or focus on a single stock.

Along with this comes 3 to 5 calls and puts you can make on this theme or ticker.

When he sends out the alerts you make the trade.

However, like the rating in the last section suggests these alerts will often times be losers.

Along with the alerts you get a special report titled "The Opportunistic Trader's Field Guide."

This is a training series on options.

You'll learn what they are, how to set up an options account and how to trade them.

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One Ticker Trader FAQ's

Still have some questions about One Ticker Trader?

Here are the answers to any remaining questions you might have.

1) Is The Price Fair?

Like I said earlier, the goal is to get you into the sales funnel with this product.

$19 may seem like a good deal for a year of option alerts, but there's hundreds of more services they're going to try and sell to you.

Some will cost tens of thousands of dollars.

This sales funnel has been tested for over a decade and is fine tuned - it's sophisticated and they know how to get people to spend money.

So if you do buy based on the cheap price, understand they're going to be pumping upsells to you.

2) Is There A Refund Policy?

Not really. 

There's a 90 refund policy, but you don't actually get your money back.

Instead, you only get a credit refund you can use to get other products from Marketwise.

This is pretty lame.

All legitimate services offer a money back guarantee for people who aren't happy.

3) Is Larry Benedict Legit? 

Maybe at one point he was a legit investor.. like back in the 90's when he claimed he was working for successful hedge funds.

But now?

I don't know if you can really call him legit when his services are getting 1.4/5 ratings.

Also, he works alongside legit criminals and scam artists.

Would a legit person be comfortable with his customers getting products promoted by people banned from Wall Street?

I don't think so.

4) Are There Similar Products?

Yes, there's plenty of offers just like this one.

Some include:

There's a lot more, too.

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One Ticker Trader Conclusion

That's the end of my One Ticker Trader review.

I hope you get some value out of it.

I think you can tell I don't really like this program very much, and I don't have many nice things to say about it.

It's a nice fantasy: having an expert just send you alerts, and all you have to do is punch in the trades and get rich.

But it's really just that—a fantasy.

These option trade alert services almost never work.

Larry has released this same product in the past, and the results were really bad.

There's a reason customers only gave it a 1.4/5 rating.

I'd pass.

Here's A Better Opportunity

I'd skip over One Ticker Trader.

The good news is that there are still a lot of good places to get stock picks.

I've reviewed all the best places to get good stock ideas.

To see my favorite (which is very affordable), click below:

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I've reviewed 100+ stock picking services. To learn more about my favorite, click below:


Creator of The Affiliate Doctor. I earn a full time income online and love teaching people to do the same!

  • Thank you for the eye opener.. i was wondering whether it was legit to invest with them..let me go through your options.

  • Thank you for the eye opener.. i was wondering whether it was legit to invest with them..let me go through your options.

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